Charcoal/Carbon Laser Peel

The Carbon Peel Facial, also known as the Hollywood Peel, utilizes a combination of carbon and laser technology instead of utilizing abrasive scrubs or harsh chemical solutions typically associated with facial peels. This approach eliminates concerns about bleeding, adverse reactions to chemicals, and any need for recovery time. Despite its gentleness, it effectively promotes collagen production, addresses acne, blemishes, and uneven skin tone, tightens pores, and diminishes fine lines and wrinkles.

We use the Lumenis M22 Q-Switch for skin toning. The laser’s precise heat application induces controlled damage, prompting the body’s innate healing mechanisms to boost the production of collagen, elastin, and fibroblasts.

It is effective for all skin colors and ideal for sun-damaged skin. 

The treatment is very tolerable. You may experience a warm or pricking sensation as the laser is applied to the skin. 

No downtime.

Right after the treatment, your skin will appear more bright. 

We recommend a series of 3-6 treatments for best results. One treatment per month. 

Just keep skin moisturized and apply sunscreen!

Makeup can be applied within the same day.
