UltraClear + 3D Miracl

Dr Raj Thethi and UltraClear laser - The Tweakments Guide

From minimal downtime lunchtime refreshing maintenance to deep skin rejuvenation and collagen remodeling, UltraClear® offers an array of patient-friendly treatment options precisely tailored to your needs and skin conditions with maximum results and minimal risks.

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UltraClear® uses short, concentrated light beams to gently remove top layers of dull and damaged skin, triggering the body’s natural healing process and stimulating new cell growth. At the same time, UltraClear® deposits controlled thermal energy at the dermal level inducing just the right amount of thermal energy at the right skin depth to start the rejuvenation process, increasing collagen and elastin production, revitalizing your skin from the inside out.

Unlike other energy-based technologies that tend to cause thermal-induced side effects, such as post-inflammation hyperpigmentation (PIH) and post-inflammation erythema (PIE), UltraClear®’s revolutionary cold fiber laser technology and advanced precision energy control minimize unwanted thermal damage, making it safe and effective for all skin types, including previously high-risk skin type III and above (Asian and darker skin patients).

We will always apply a topical numbing cream before treatment and use air cooling during treatment. 

UltraClear®’s innovative MIRACL™ technology dramatically reduces the treatment pain level, making it the most comfortable facial rejuvenation solution on the market. Pain score with UltraClear® treatment is typically less than 3 on a scale of 10, while most other methods have pain scores greater or equal to 6.

You may experience a warm or pricking sensation as the laser is applied to the skin.

UltraClear® offers a wide range of patient-friendly treatment options tailored to your desired results and lifestyle.

If you want to quickly smooth out your skin with a more radiant complexion but get back to work as soon as possible, the little-to-no-downtime lunchtime light peel may be your best option. You may have some redness and mild swelling on your face right after the treatment, but you can apply make-up within a few hours and go back to work the next day.

If you wish to treat deep wrinkles or acne scars and can take a few days off, a more intense option may be performed for more dramatic improvement with an average of 3 days of downtime.

With UltraClear®’s lunchtime light peel option, you will notice an improvement in your skin in just 2 to 5 days after your treatment. The results may last a few months.

For UltraClear®’s more intense treatment options, your skin will continue to get better for up to a year and the results may last 1 to 5 years.

However, since our skin continues to age and new wrinkles and spots may appear due to sun damage and daily life, additional treatments may be needed to maintain healthier, fresher and younger-looking skin.

  • Avoid sun exposure to reduce chance of hyperpigmentation. 
  • Keep skin moisturized and use SPF. 
  • Avoid picking, rubbing or exfoliating the skin (if shedding occurs).
  • Avoid strenuous physical activity until redness and swelling has subsided. 
  • Avoid dirty towels or makeup brushes to decrease risk of infection. 